
Things you need to run jSoapServer:

  • Java >= JDK 1.4.2 (You can download it from
  • Apache Axis 1.4 (already part of the jSoapServer release file)
    Consisting of the following files:
    lib/axis-1.4.jarApache Axis main classesInfo
    lib/axis-jaxrpc-1.4.jarJava API for XML-Based RPCInfo
    lib/axis-wsdl4j-1.5.1.jarWebService Description Language for JavaInfo
    lib/apache-saaj-1.4.jarSOAP with Attachments API for JavaInfo
    lib/commons-logging-1.0.4.jarApache Logging libraryInfo
    lib/commons-discovery-0.2.jarApache Service Discovery componentInfo
    lib/log4j-1.2.8.jarApache cross-language logging servicesInfo
  • QuickServer 1.4.7 (already part of the jSoapServer release file)
    Consisting of the following files:
    lib/commons-beanutils-1.6.1.jarJava reflection wrappersInfo
    lib/commons-collections-3.1.jarExtension to Java Collections FrameworkInfo
    lib/commons-digester-1.5.jarXML-to-Java-object mapping utilityInfo
    lib/commons-logging-1.0.4.jarApache Logging libraryInfo
    lib/commons-pool-1.2.jarObject pooling interfaceInfo
    lib/quickserver-1.4.7.jarQuickServer main classesInfo
  • Apache HttpClient (already part of the jSoapServer release file)
    Consisting of the following files:
  • Apache Commons Codec (already part of the jSoapServer release file)
    Consisting of the following files:
  • JavaMail API [Optional] (already part of the jSoapServer release file)
  • JavaBeans Activation Framework [Optional] (already part of the jSoapServer release file)
    Consisting of the following files:

See here for a full list of all dependencies defined in the maven pom.xml