
Steps needed to install jSoapServer and run the usage example:


Download the jSoapServer release file from


Unzip it into your working directory.


Configure jSoapServer by editing conf/jSoapServer.xml

Please configure port and bind-address accordingly. E.g.:


Starting jSoapServer

On Linux

Starting jSoapServer using the following command


On Windows

Starting jSoapServer using the following command


List deployed services

List all currently deployed services by entering the URL http://[bind-address]:[port]/?list= in your webbrower.
Please change [bind-address] and [port] to the IP-Address and port number you have configured in conf/jSoapServer.xml

You should see the jSoapServer test service and all availabe methods in your browser.

Testing WSDL generation

Testing the WSDL generation by entering the URL http://[bind-address]:[port]/test in your webbrower.
Please change [bind-address] and [port] to the IP-Address and port number you have configured in conf/jSoapServer.xml

You should see the wsdl that was generated for the test webservice in your browser:

Executing webservice

Executing the webservice by sending a soap call via a soap client. See: Example Webservice Call.